My question to you [David Duke] is—when your Website covered that [matter regarding Donald Trump], if you will, there was a repeated reference in the article and criticism of the reporters that were referred to repeatedly as the “CNN Jews”—repeated references. I’m curious—what in the world that had to do, the fact that they were Jewish, with a story about Donald Trump and an open microphone? And that gets to the heart of what so many people have—the problem with you.
Well, let me tell you something. We have to start talking openly about any subject and we have to have freedom of speech in this country. There is a problem in America with a very strong, powerful, tribal group that dominates our media and dominates our international banking [emphasis added]. Ms. Clinton has seven major international banking and media supporters. The largest money that she is getting which is billions and billions of dollars—the seven largest—these are all people who support the tribalist bankers, who support the Federal Reserve [Bank]. That’s the reality of it. If we don’t understand that and face up to that, then we can’t deal with the problems. I’m not opposed to all Jews. I think there a lot of great—I think there are a lot of Jews who are honest. But let me tell you something. I’m against Jews or anybody else that puts the interest of some other place—another country—over our own country that is controlling and dominating the media, which is teaching black people—inspiring black people —to hate white people and inciting them to violence, like the Black Lives Matter [political movement]. That is my issue.
Your time is expired. What did the fact that they were Jewish have to do with the fact that they were referred to repeatedly as “CNN Jews?”
It has everything to do with it. A good example is the fact that—if you take a look at Trump and the neocons—we have a cabal in this government that literally controls our foreign policy. Syria is a country—I’ve been there—unlike probably any of these other candidates—but there and in Libya – and many others – I have been there to lecture in many of the universities. Syria is a country with 3 million Christians. Syria has a secular government, non-jihadist. It was admitted by Clinton that our government has been supporting Saudi Arabia, who has been supporting ISIS [Islamic State terror entity]. The lady should be getting the electric chair, charged with treason. She is saying we have known that Syria is supporting ISIS.
Let me finish, that Syria is supporting ISIS. She knew this and told it secretly to Goldman Sachs in e-mail, which she did not tell the public. [The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. is a global investment banking, securities and investment management firm].
Duke’s conspiracy theorizing here can be summarized as: The Jews control America (and much of the world) through control of the media and international banking. Media domination allows them to promote the interests of Israel over those of the United States and to incite black people’s violence against white (presumably non-Jewish) people. Their control of international banking, and thus great financial wealth, provides for Jewish control of political leaders such as Hillary Clinton. Likewise, a Jewish cabal in the government controls U.S. foreign policy. So, that doesn’t seem to leave that much for non-Jews to control.
Like most conspiracy theories, there is little substance and a great deal of exaggeration and falsehood. There are many individuals of Jewish heritage who are prominent in American public life. But there is no credible evidence that they act together in
a conspiratorial way. Their political views and associations span the spectrum of American politics and civic associations.
• Aug. 25, 2016 broadcast featured a 40-minute uninterrupted harangue by an Israeli-Arab defaming Israel at the Arab Center in Washington D.C. (C-SPAN’s Palestinian Propaganda Presentation as a “Public Service”).
• May 31, 2016 blame-Israel discussion failed to deal with the key obstacles to an Israeli-Palestinian agreement. (Washington Think Tank Misleads C-SPAN Viewers About Israeli-Palestinian Conflict).
• Aug.16, 2015 C-SPAN collaborative interview of a radical exhibited the usual dogmatic commitment to anti-Israel mythology. (Phyllis Bennis Mendaciously Bashes Israel on C-SPAN While Promoting ISIS Book).
• Aug. 2, 2015 C-SPAN collaborative interview of a radical mendaciously accused Israel of war crimes. (C-SPAN Provides Platform for Radical Activist Medea Benjamin).
• April 12, 2015 C-SPAN collaborative interview is filled with false accusations fueling animosity against Israel. (Airing Noam Chomsky’s Falsifications on C-SPAN Again).
• July 1, 2012 C-SPAN collaborative interview provides unwarranted pass to the Palestinian Arabs and their leaders for failing to honor their obligations under agreements aimed at achieving peace. (C-SPAN’s Book TV Show Spins Anti-Israel Line).
• Nov. 20, 2011 broadcast consists of flight from reality in arguing for the villainy of Israel. (C-SPAN Version of Balance on Israel: Buchanan and Nader).
• C-SPAN’s Washington Journal daily three-hour call-in show broadcast routinely indulges callers (and sometimes even guests) in on-air defamation of Jews and the Jewish state. (Personifying C-SPAN’s Tolerance of anti-Israel, anti-Jewish Callers). CAMERA’s online C-SPAN Watch feature contains more than a thousand entries (since November 2008) documenting Washington Journal’s tolerance of such defamation.
The failure of the New Orleans TV station to challenge or disassociate itself from Duke’s hateful, potentially harmful falsehoods about Jews does not absolve C-SPAN from the responsibility of at least disassociating itself from the remarks. Over a period of several years, C-SPAN has been solicitous of every minority ethnic/religious/national group except for one – Jews and the Jewish state of Israel. Network officials have refused to acknowledge, let alone remedy the problem – a form of journalistic malpractice that encourages antisemitism.