Andrea Levin

Israel’s ‘Demands’

The road map is not a long or difficult document, yet some in the media have an astonishingly hard time keeping its basics straight. Key written provisos, prepared by an international "quartet" of the E.U., UN, Russia and the US, are regularly cast as irritating "demands" laid down by Israel.

Ha’aretz, the Lie of the Land

In a familiar syndrome, many otherwise impartial American journalists, newly posted in Israel, slip quickly in their reporting into unmistakably hostile views of the country. Why?

CAMERA Op-Ed: Access and Ethics at the New York Times

Like CNN, the New York Times aims to cover the globe, even from inside despotic regimes. Yet ethical compromise is inevitable in the controlled realms of dictators and medieval monarchs. Language must not offend, nor can there be reminders of unflattering policies and events. Watchful officials keep records, and journalists pay a price for perceived infractions.

New York Times Veers Off the ‘Road Map’

The New York Times has trouble reporting the facts straight about Middle East documents, repeatedly distorting their terms and shifting responsibility — and fault — to Israel. Recent misinformation about the road map by correspondent Steven Weisman is fuel for critics who see the paper increasingly marshaling its news pages to advance an editorial agenda.

Newspaper Headlines Omit Terror Perpetrators

Newspaper headlines about the Hamas terrorist bombing in Jerusalem — for which the death tally has now reached 17 — and Israel's strike against Hamas in Gaza that killed four members of that organization and five bystanders have very often failed to represent events clearly.

CAMERA Op-Ed: National Public Radio Off the Map

Like deja vu all over again, National Public Radio has covered the release of the road map and surrounding events with the same tilt toward Palestinian interests it displayed for a decade in reporting the failed Oslo negotiations.

CAMERA Op-Ed: CNN’s Compromise

CNN executive Eason Jordan's dramatic acknowledgment in a New York Times op-ed ("The News We Kept to Ourselves," April 11, 2003) that for more than a decade his network concealed gruesome information about Saddam Hussein's regime lifts the rock a notch off the dark underside of media collaboration with barbarous dictators.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Israeli Arab Rights and Wrongs

As Israel went to the polls in January, a surge of news stories appeared about the lives, attitudes and voting patterns of its Arab citizens. All too many were boiler-plate recitations of charges that Israeli Arabs are understandably aggrieved and deeply alienated from their country because of its alleged discriminatory policies.

New York Times Hits Year-End False Notes

The New York Times finished off 2002 with a bang in its coverage of Israel. On December 28th a page-four story (“Dreaming of Palestine, Teenager Writes a Novel”) and a large smiling photo of Randa Ghazi brought readers a breezy profile of the Egyptian-Italian teenage authoress of a virulent anti-Israel novel.