Sean Durns

What ISIS Owes Iran, and Vice-Versa

News media coverage has often failed to note the complex relationship between Shi'ite-ruled Iran and the Sunni terror group calling itself the Islamic State. Hint: They haven't always been enemies.

“One Fine Day”: What Iran’s “Death to America” Marches Signal

Al-Quds (Jerusalem) Day in Iran continues to be celebrated annually with marches and cries of “Death to America!” and “Death to Israel!” This year's event took place during the conclusion of U.S.-led talks with Iran over its nuclear program. Not all major media noticed.

J Street’s Unreported Pro-BDS Partner — ‘Jewish Voice for Peace’

J Street objected to a provision in U.S. trade legislation barring compliance with an anti-Israel boycott, divestment and sactions (BDS) effort. Washington Jewish Week coverage failed to mentioned J Street's de facto ally—the anti-Zionist “Jewish Voice for Peace.” Here's the scoop: