Tamar Sternthal

Time Magazine Whitewashes Hamas, Tars Sharon

In a case of inverting truth, a Time Magazine photo essay presented a skewed, pejorative characterization of Sharon but a euphemistic picture of Hamas terrorists...

Hate Not Taught on Both Sides

In a lengthy feature article today entitled "Mideast Violence Moves to the Home Front; For Israelis and Palestinians alike, conflict spills over into other circles of life," correspondent Tracy Wilkinson makes absurd equivalences between the expression of violence in Palestinian and Israeli societies.

Occupation, Syrian-Style

The hypocrisy of Bouthanina Shaaban's Dec. 3 op-ed concerning what she calls the "occupation and colonization" of the Arab people would be laughable were it not so tragic. The director of foreign media for the Syrian Foreign Ministy, Shaaban blames Israel and American complicity for the "humiliation" of the occupied Arab people.

The World Reports Objectively on Christian Support for Israel

A recent “The World” news broadcast produced jointly by WGBH, BBC and PRI has demonstrated that fair and accurate coverage of Israel on public radio is not an impossible standard. On the Nov. 20 broadcast, which was aired by public radio stations around the United States, Aaron Schachter reported on the American Christian right's support for Israel and for the Israelis living in settlement communities.

Demick Leaves Out Key Context

The Nov. 7 Los Angeles Times news story by Barbara Demick about settler violence against Palestinians harvesting olives virtually ignores the fact that Palestinians have been using the olive groves as cover from which to launch violence against Israelis.

The Los Angeles Times and the Palestinian-Israeli Crisis

In the critical period of late March through early April, the most striking findings concerning the Los Angeles Times coverage of Palestinian terrorist attacks and the Israeli response concerned headlines and photographs.