Whether writing about 1948 or 2024, some CNN journalists have a hard time acknowledging Palestinian and Arab aggression against Israel. Perhaps it’s because they aren’t interested in reporting the truth. Perhaps they’re simply interested in advancing a partisan narrative.
Is there an imminent famine in Gaza? How CNN has covered this story over the last four months is illuminating, but not in the sense of discovering the facts. Rather, CNN’s coverage illustrates how the network is leaving its audience both uninformed and misinformed.
If CNN can’t be relied upon to produce an accurate picture of the facts, or to give the proper analysis of those facts, then can CNN be relied upon as a serious journalistic entity at all?
As CAMERA has repeatedly documented, there is a pattern of CNN reports lobbing horrific allegations at Israel based on exceedingly thin evidence and lots of insinuation. It’s a standard, or practice, akin to tabloid journalism – a standard certainly not appropriate for serious journalism or serious accusations like that of war crimes.