Sana Noor Haq

Once Again, CNN Hides the Facts on West Bank Violence

CNN's Kareem Khadder and Sana Noor Haq’s omissions demonstrate an unmistakable bias. They work to erase the violence of Palestinians while depicting Israelis as needlessly violent and oppressive. For media consumers seeking straightforward and honest reporting, CNN is clearly not the answer.

CNN Journalists Erase Israel’s Enemies and their Crimes

Whether writing about 1948 or 2024, some CNN journalists have a hard time acknowledging Palestinian and Arab aggression against Israel. Perhaps it’s because they aren’t interested in reporting the truth. Perhaps they’re simply interested in advancing a partisan narrative.

CNN Hides a Chief Terrorist

Far too many of the network’s reporters are more interested in reporting a narrative of the conflict, rather than the reality. 

CNN Article Breathes False Life into the Gaza “Famine” Lie

Is there an imminent famine in Gaza? How CNN has covered this story over the last four months is illuminating, but not in the sense of discovering the facts. Rather, CNN’s coverage illustrates how the network is leaving its audience both uninformed and misinformed.

CNN Reporting: Conflicts of Interest, A Missing Terrorist Organization, And an Inability to Verify

First, the article spills large amounts of ink to link Israel to tragedies, while omitting or glossing over the existence and responsibility of other parties. Second, the article employs a curious double standard as to informing readers of when the network was “unable to verify” details being reported. Third, the background of one of the journalists himself raises questions of a conflict of interest.