Yasir Arafat

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Long History, and High Costs, of Palestinian Intifadas

As CAMERA highlighted in a recent National Review Op-Ed: For the Palestinian leaders who choose to promote them, intifadas are often self-defeating. Going back to the first intifada in the 1930s, anti-Jewish violence and terror often upsets the Palestinian political landscape—often sweeping aside, or weakening, the very Palestinian leaders responsible for inciting them.

The Washington Post’s Opinion Page Attacks Israel and Hides Iran

In more than half a dozen op-eds and editorials, the Washington Post hides Iran's role in provoking the latest Israel-Hamas War. Instead, the newspaper resorts to publishing anti-Israel tirades, including from a former PLO spokesperson, and from someone who should—and not too long ago did—know better.

Foreign Policy Magazine Whitewashes ‘Pay to Slay’

A Jan. 25, 2021 report by Foreign Policy Magazine claims that the Palestinian Authority has “pledged to overhaul a controversial welfare policy for militants convicted of violence against Israelis.” This is a convoluted way of describing the PA's policy of financing terrorist attacks on Jews.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The Palestinian Authority Is Still Paying Terrorists

U.S. policymakers are contemplating restoring aid to the Palestinian Authority (PA), as well as "working to reopen" the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) office in Washington D.C. But as CAMERA wrote in a Jan. 21, 2021 Newsweek op-ed, Palestinian leaders continue to pay salaries to terrorists. Both press and policymakers alike should take note.

A Promised Land: Obama’s Memoirs Malign Israel

A Promised Land
By Barack Obama
Crown Publishing, 2020

The first volume of the 44th American president's memoirs are filled with errors and omissions about Israel. And, as CAMERA's book review shows, they are all one-sided. Worse still, Obama even minimizes Palestinian terrorism.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Black September Remembered

It is common for many pundits to assume that the U.S.-Israel security relationship dates back to the founding of the Jewish state. But as CAMERA wrote in The National Interest, it wasn't until September 1970 that the modern U.S.-Israel alliance was born.

CAMERA Letter in NJ Record: Palestinian Leaders Reject Statehood

A June 28, 2020 news report by the North Jersey Record was littered with distortions and omissions. CAMERA took to the paper's pages to note that Palestinians have a long and documented history of rejecting offers for a sovereign Palestinian Arab state if it requires living in peace next to a Jewish one.

CAMERA Op-Ed: The North Jersey Record Aims at Israel—and Misses

An NJ Record news report reads more like a press release from American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), an anti-Israel group. The Record distorts facts, omits relevant history, and uncritically quotes organizations whose members have repeated antisemitic statements.