Martin Fletcher

NBC’s Martin Fletcher Omits the Mainstream Perspective

Israeli anchorman Chaim Yavin caused a small stir in Israel over his controversial, subjective documentary about Israeli settlements. An NBC Nightly News segment on the documentary champions Yavin's position by presenting it as "the story like it is." Yet NBC omits common, mainstream counter-arguments which represent large numbers, if not the majority, of Israelis.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Arafat’s Incitement, Lies, and Videotape

In May, days before a Palestinian suicide terrorist murdered a score of Israelis, most of them young teenage girls, Yasir Arafat delivered yet another of his propaganda screeds, this time before the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) in Qatar. While repeatedly lauding Palestinians for "irrigating the land with their blood" in the struggle for "Palestine" he let loose a tirade of lies against Israel.