Correction (10/5/10): In my last column I incorrectly wrote that Yasser Arafat died on the West Bank. He was evacuated to France and died in a French hospital.
Error (Boston Globe, AP, 1/12/10): The [planned fence on the Israeli-Egyptian border] would come in addition to a massive fence that surrounds the Hamas-controlled Gaza frontier with the West Bank, biting into chunks of the territory as it runs.
Correction (1/13/10): Because of an editing error, the Globe version of an Associated Press story on yesterday’s World pages about Israel’s plan to build two fences along its southern border with Egypt mischaracterized the project. The story should have stated the structure would be in addition to a massive fence surrounding the Hamas-controlled Gaza Strip, as well as a separation barrier that snakes along parts of Israel’s more than 400-mile frontier with the West Bank.
Error (Boston Globe, AP article by Amy Tiebel, 12/30/09): Israel’s Supreme Court ordered the military yesterday to allow Palestinians to travel on the part of a major highway that runs through the West Bank, handing Palestinians their biggest victory yet against Israel’s practice of reserving some roads for Jews.
Correction (1/5/09): An Associated Press story on Dec. 30 incorrectly stated Israeli restrictions on road travel. Israel reserves some roads for the use of Israeli citizens.
Error (Boston Globe, photo caption, 2/13/07): An Orthodox Jewish man looked at the excavation site in front of the Dome of the Rock (top) at the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound in Jerusalem’s Old City yesterday. Hoping to quell Muslim protests, Jerusalem’s mayor yesterday order a review of construction outside the holy site at issue in the Arab-Israeli conflict, a spokesman said. Preparatory excavations began last week and have infuriated people across the Muslim world who want the shrine protected.
Correction (2/15/07): Clarification: A photo caption in Tuesday’s World pages showing excavation outside the Al-Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem may have left the impression, based on concerns raised by Muslims, that the construction imperils the mosque. Israel says the mosque, which is 400 feet from the work, is in no danger.
Error (Boston Globe, Reuters photo caption, 12/13/06): Palestinians displayed an image of the slain sons of an intelligence official at a rally yesterday in Gaza
Correction (12/14/06): The placement of a photograph on yesterday’s World page of three slain Palestinian children with a story about an Israeli court ruling allowing Palestinians to sue Israel’s military for damages may have implied that Israelis were responsible for the children’s killings. Palestinian gunmen are suspected of carrying out the killings.
Error (Boston Globe, Thannassis Cambanis, 12/31/2005): Palestinian firms have risen to the occasion, repairing greenhouses sabotaged by departing settlers and by Palestinian looters.
Correction (11/3/2005): Because of a reporting error, a Page One story Monday about greenhouses in former Israeli settlements in the Gaza Strip stated that Israeli settlers sabotaged greenhouses before withdrawing from Gaza in August. The article should have said some settlers dismantled their own greenhouses before leaving, and that Palestinians looted some greenhouses after the Israelis withdrew. A Palestinian official, Mahmoud Abu Samra, asserted to the reporter that Israelis had sabotaged some greenhouses, but he did not provide evidence to substantiate the allegation.
Error (Boston Globe, Reuters article, 10/14/05): Another major denomination, the United Church of Christ, turned down the divestment idea at its convention last summer.
Correction (Boston Globe, 10/20/05): Because of an error by the Reuters news agency, a story on the Oct. 14 Nation pages misstated the position of the United Church of christ on divesting from companies that profit from Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. Last summer, the church’s General Synod endorsed a broad “economic leverage” program rather than one specifically of divestment, though it retained that as an option. It also castigated Israel for building a barrier to seal off the West Bank.
Error (Boston Globe, H.D.S. Greenway op-ed, 8/27/04): In [Richard] Perle’s case, much has been made of a paper that he and others, including the Pentagon’s Douglas Feith, wrote some years ago for Israel’s right-wing politician, Benjamin Netanyahu, calling for a “New Strategy For Securing The Realm.” Their advice included getting the United States to overthrow Saddam Hussein as well as other moves in the Middle East to increase Israel’s strategic position.
Correction (9/2/04): In last week’s column, which defended the right of all Americans to concern themselves with other countries of their choice, I specifically defended Richard Perle’s right to help write a policy position for Israel. Although that paper called for “removing Saddah [sic] Hussein from power” as well as “strategic cooperation” with the United States, it did not specifically call upon the United States to get the job done.
Error (Boston Globe, Washington Post article by John Ward Anderson, 7/12/04): The bombing yesterday near a bus stop in central Tel Aviv was the first Palestinian attack inside Israel since a March 14 double suicide bombing at the seaport of Ashdod that killed 10 people, and it was the first in Tel Aviv in more than 14 months.
Correction (7/30/04): A Washington Post story on July 12 about a bomb attack that killed an Israeli woman at a Tel Aviv bus stop said it was the first Palestinian attack inside Israel since a double suicide bombing in Ashdod killed 12 people in March. On June 28, Palestinian militants fired homemade rockets from inside the Gaza Strip, killing an Israeli man and boy in the Israeli town of Sderot.
Error (Boston Globe, AP article by Josef Federman, 7/8/04): By September 2005, Sharon plans to pull all troops from the Gaza Strip and the West Bank.
Correction (7/16/04): Because of an error by the Associated Press, a story on the July 8 World page about Israel’s plan to pull its troops out of the Gaza Strip incorrectly reported that Israel is also planning to pull out of the
West Bank. The plan calls for only a limited withdrawal from four West Bank settlements.
Error (Boston Globe, AP, Ali Daraghmeh, 6/11/04): In more than three years of Israeli-Palestinian fighting, Palestinian police have become increasingly ineffective, particularly in the West Bank, where Israel does not allow Palestinian officers to patrol in uniform or with arms.
Correction (7/2/04): Because of an error by the Associated Press, an article in the World pages on June 11 about the United Nations suspending a construction project in a Palestinian refugee camp erroneously reported that Israel does not allow Palestinian officers to patrol in uniform in the West Bank. Current Israeli policy allows for uniformed Palestinian policemen in the area.
Error (Boston Globe, Farah Stockman, 4/15/04): Since the 1967 war, when Israel captured Gaza and the West Bank, US policy has regarded settlements in those territories as illegal under international law.
Correction (5/5/04): Because of a reporting error, an April 15 Page One story on US policy on the Middle East incorrectly stated that since 1967 US government policy has regarded Israeli settlements in the West Bank and the Gaza strip as illegal under international law. The Carter administration held that settlements were illegal. Subsequent administrations, including the current Bush administration, have opposed settlement activity, but have taken no position on the legality of the settlements.
Error (Boston Globe, Herbert Kelman op-ed, 4/8/04): The most elaborate of these [peace] proposals is the Geneva accord, developed under the leadership of Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo, Cabinet members and leading negotiators of the Israeli and Palestinian governments, respectively.
Correction (4/22/04): An April 8 op-ed piece misstated the status of Yossi Beilin and Yasser Abed Rabbo in the Israeli and Palestinian governments, respectively. They are both former Cabinet ministers.
Error (Boston Globe, Tom Wallace, oped, 12/3/03): If built according to current maps, the wall will confiscate 55 percent of the Palestinian West Bank. . .
Correction (12/11/03): Clarification: A Dec. 3 column by Tom Wallace stated that the security fence in Israel will confiscate 55 percent of the West Bank. This is a projection by Gush Shalom and other peace groups. The United Nations estimates less than 20 percent of the West Bank will be on the Israeli side of the fence.
Error (Boston Globe, letter headline, 9/19/03): Real Root of Palestinian Alienation Is Their Second-Class Status in Israel
Correction (9/20/03): Also, the letter [yesterday] from S.H. Grossman had a misleading headline. Grossman contended that the reason Israeli Arabs are alienated is not their second-class status in Israel but, possibly, “the destructive influence of the Palestinian movement.”
Error (Boston Globe, 7/14/03): The refugees and many other Palestinians publicly say there can be no peace with Israel until Tel Aviv recognizes the refugees’ right to return.
Correction (7/17/03): Because of an editing error, a story on a Palestinian protest in Monday’s World pages incorrectly suggested that Tel Aviv is the capital of Israel. The capital is Jerusalem.
Error (Boston Globe, Dan Ephron, 5/28/03): But it [the “road map”] does say the final agreement should be anchored in UN resolutions and a Saudi peace initiative that call for Israel’s withdrawal from all of the West Bank and Gaza.
Correction (5/30/03): Because of an editing error, a story on Wednesday’s World page about the Mideast peace process incorrectly described past United Nations resolutions on the issue. Security Council Resolution 242 calls for Israel to withdraw from territories occupied in the 1967 war, without identifying the territories or specifying the extent of the withdrawal.
Error (Boston Globe, Web headline, 3/6/03): Israeli troops kill 11 Palestinians in Gaza after Haifa suicide bombing
Correction (Posted later that day): Palestinians: Israeli troops raid Gaza refugee camp, at least 11 dead
Error (Boston Globe, Patrick Healy, 1/29/03): With Sharon’s Likud party coasting to victory, several Palestinians living in Jerus–m–and barred from voting because of citizenship laws–said that the only assured result of yesterday’s election would be more bloodshed.
Correction (2/4/03): Clarification: A Jan. 29 story on the World pages about the Israeli elections was unclear on the voting rights of Palestinians living in Jerusalem. Palestinians living there can seek Israeli citizenship and, if they obtain it, can vote in Israeli elections. If they do not become citizens, they can still vote in municipal elections.
Error (Boston Globe, photo caption, 9/5/02): Initisar and Kifah Ajouri, expelled from the West Bank for being kin of alleged terrorist Ali Ajouri, in Gaza City.
Correction (9/6/02): Because of an editing error, a photo caption in yesterday’s World section incorrectly characterized the reason for the expulsion of Intisar and Kifah Ajouri from the West Bank. According to the Israeli army, the Ajouris assisted their brother in preparations for a July suicide bombing in Tel Aviv, and the Israeli Supreme Court ruled the pair posed a security risk to Israel.
Error (Boston Globe, photo caption, 5/9/02): An Israeli bomb squad robot dragged a wounded Palestinian man on a road in northern Israel yesterday.
Correction (Editor’s Note (5/10/02)): A caption that accompanied a photograph in yesterday’s World section should have said that the wounded Palestinian being dragged by an Israeli bomb squad robot was a suspected suicide bomber who was badly injured when explosives he was carrying blew up prematurely.
Error (Boston Globe, H.D.S. Greenway, 3/8/02 & 3/15/02 ): “The fall of Balata” — a refugee camp — “will break the Palestinian resistance.” (Brigadier General Ephraim Eitam of the Israeli Army) (op-ed, 3/8/02) The speaker of the Palestinian Legislative Council, Ahmed Q
urei, was wounded in his car [at a checkpoint] for reasons that have not been explained. . .
Correction ((3/22/02)): In a March 8 column I said that a Palestinian politician, Ahmed Qurei, had been wounded at an Israeli checkpoint. I am happy to report that none of the eight bullets Israeli soldiers fired onto his car hit him. Also, in a March 15 column, the correct title for Ephraim Eitam is brigadier general, retired.
Error (Boston Globe, editorial, 7/10/01): Israeli mines are planted in areas where Palestinian civilians are trying to live their lives.
Correction (Correction 8/16/01): An editorial July 10 implied that, in the current Middle East conflict, Israel is placing mines in areas where Palestinians live. This claim is not substantiated.
Error (Boston Globe, Anne E. Kornblut, 6/27/01): “One must understand that if last week we had five dead, it’s like the United States, Mr. President, having 250 killed, or maybe even 30 people killed by terror, ” Sharon said in a joint photo session with Bush before their meeting at the White House.
Correction (6/28/01): Because of a typographical error, a Page 1 story yesterday on the meeting between President Bush and Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon misquoted one number in a statement by Sharon. The correct quote reads: “One must understand that if last week we had five dead, it’s like the United States, Mr. President, having 250 killed, or maybe even 300 people killed by terror.”
Error (Boston Globe, Charles Sennott, 10/18/00): The couple, like many of the 40,000 in Gilo, live there probably less for the ideological commitment to settling the land for Jews and more for the government subsidies and affordable housing that come with living in a settlement.
Correction (10/20/00): Because of a reporting error, a story in Wednesday’s A section about violence on the outskirts of Jerusalem indicated that the residential area of Jerusalem known as Gilo received government subsidies that are provided to Jewish settlements. Israeli officials say the funding provided in Gilo is the same as the funding given to areas within the municipality of Jerusalem and does not come from budgets provided for Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza.
Error (Reuters in Boston Globe, 8/20/00): Israel captured Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war and has declared the city its “united, eternal capital.”
Correction (8/27/00): A Reuters news service story in last Sunday’s editions should have said that Israel captured East Jerusalem in the 1967 Middle East war. Israel already controlled West Jerusalem.
Error (Boston Globe, 7/13/00): The Palestinians insist that the peace accord signed on the White House Lawn more than six years ago was established within the framework of Israel complying with UN Resolution 242, which calls for Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank.
Correction (7/14/00): A story in yesterday’s edition on the Mideast summit at Camp David should have made it clear that UN Resolution 242 does not refer to the West Bank by name but calls for Israel to withdraw from territories occupied in the 1967 war. The resolution, which formalizes the principals of land-for-peace in the Arab-Israeli conflict, is ambiguous on the amount of occupied territory from which Israel should withdraw.
Error (Boston Globe, Lee Hockstader, 6/8/00): But yesterday’s vote sets the stage for political jockeying that could reshape the government or permanently deprive Barak of his parliamentary majority. Barak himself would not face the voters.
Correction (6/10/00): Because of an editing error, a story Thursday on Israeli politics incorrectly described the impact on Prime Minister Ehud Barak’s status if Parliament passes legislation mandating early elections. Barak would have to run for reelection because the prime minister’s term corresponds to the Parliament’s.
Error (Boston Globe headline, 5/31/00): Last Israeli soldier to die in Lebanon is mourned.
Correction (6/1/00): Because of an editing error, a headline in yesterday’s A section incorrectly described the circumstances of the death of the last Israeli soldier killed before Israel pulled its troops out of south Lebanon. The soldier was on the Israeli side of the border when he was hit by a rocket.
Error (Boston Globe, Charles Sennott, 12/3/98): Israel released 150 Palestinian prisoners last month, but Palestinian leaders say half of them were common criminals and not the political prisoners they had expected to be freed.
Correction (12/5/98): Because of a reporting error, a Page One story on Thursday incorrectly stated that the Israeli government recently released 150 Palestinian prisoners last month. The correct number, as the Globe has reported in the past, is 250 prisoners.