CAMERA staff have prompted a USA Today correction on an article which grossly understated the number of Palestinians entering Israel for work and medical treatment. The error, which we first noted last week in our Snapshots blog, along with the correction, follow:
Error (USA Today, Michele Chabin and Vanessa O’Brien, 3/20/13): Palestinians here said Obama should focus on the Israeli checkpoints and a cement security barrier that has prevented Palestinian terrorists from blowing up buses in Israel, but bar all but a few thousand Palestinians from accessing jobs, universities and hospitals in Israel.
Correction (3/25/13): A story on Palestinians in the West Bank on March 20 should have made clear that the number of Palestinians who work in Israel annually exceeds 30,000, and the number who receive medical treatment in Israeli hospitals surpassed 200,000 in 2012, according to Israel’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
CAMERA commends USA Today for its timely and straightforward correction.