CiF Watch, an independent affiliate of CAMERA, has prompted a correction at the Guardian on a “Comment is Free” Op-Ed by Hanan Ashrawi which had falsely claimed that Israel approved housing for Jews only in Gilo. The error and correction follow:
Error (Guardian, Hanan Ashrawi, Op-Ed, 11/29/12): Take a recent decision by Israel to approve 100 new homes for its Jewish citizens in the illegal settlement of Gilo, when the Israeli army was bombarding and shelling Gaza.
Correction (12/21/12): This article was amended on 21 December 2012. The original referred to a “recent decision by Israel to approve 100 new homes for its Jewish citizens in the illegal settlement of Gilo”. This has been corrected. While it is highly unlikely that they will be occupied by anyone other than Jewish citizens because of the social and political context, the homes will not be sold on the basis of ethnicity.
Read more at CiF Watch.