CiF Watch, an affiliate of CAMERA, has prompted an online correction at the Guardian, which had falsely reported that Israel undertook mass arrests of Palestinian demonstrators who had sent up a protest tent camp in the controversial E-1 area. The error and correction follow:
Error (Guardian, Harriet Sherwood, 1/13/13): According to activists, a large military force surrounded the encampment at around 3am. All protesters were arrested and six were injured, said Abir Kopty. . . .
Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti, who was was among those arrested, said the eviction was “proof that the Israeli government operates an apartheid system.”
Correction (Online as of 1/15/13): All protesters were detained and six were injured, said Abir Kopty. . . .
Palestinian legislator Mustafa Barghouti, who was among those detained, said the eviction was “proof that the Israeli government operates an apartheid system. . . . .
This article was amended on 14 January 2013. Activists were detained but not formally arrested. This has been corrected.
CAMERA thanks CiF Watch readers who contacted the Guardian in response to the CiF Watch post. We also commend the Guardian for its timely online correction, and urge the media outlet to likewise correct the same falsehood which appeared in the print edition on Monday.
The Guardian‘s correction follows CNN’s correction earlier this week, elicited by CAMERA, of a story which had likewise falsely alleged that Israel arrested dozens.
For additional Guardian correction prompted by CAMERA and CiF Watch, see here. For additional CNN corrections, see here.