NBC Corrects After Undercounting Palestinian Combatants Among Casualties

CAMERA prompted a correction to NBC’s July 6 story that had undercounted Palestinian combatants, wrongly reporting that Islamic Jihad claimed only four fatalities among twelve total as its fighters. 

The piece, “Jenin residents begin picking up pieces after Israeli forces end raid,” had stated: “The Islamic Jihad claimed four of the fatalities as its fighters while Hamas claimed a fifth, according to Reuters.”

This was incorrect, both about what Islamic Jihad claimed and about what Reuters reported. A July 5 Reuters piece, for example, correctly noted that “Islamic Jihad claimed eight as members, with Hamas claiming another.” (See also Islamic Jihad.)

After communication with CAMERA, NBC updated the piece to correctly note: “Islamic Jihad had claimed eight of the fatalities as its fighters. Hamas had claimed another, according to Reuters. Israeli officials said as far as they were aware, no civilians had been killed.”

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