CAMERA’s Israel office yesterday prompted corrections to erroneous references to Tel Aviv as Israel’s capital in The Diplomat, an online magazine which describes itself as “the premier international current-affairs magazine for the Asia-Pacific region.”
The article (“What Modi’s Israel Visit Means for Pakistan,” July 11) used the common journalistic practice of citing a nation’s capital city as shorthand for the country’s government, erroneously citing Tel Aviv, instead of Jerusalem, as a stand-in for Israel, along with Washington, New Dehli (India) and Riyadh (Saudi Arabia).
The article had originally reported:
New Delhi getting Washington and Tel Aviv to echo its stance on militancy in Kashmir is not only a diplomatic triumph for Modi, it also underscores the global alienation of all freedom movements that have been taken over by Islamism.
In addition, the article also stated:
By not restricting itself to an ideological prism, India has successfully agreed to defense deals with both Saudi Arabia and Israel, without compromising on New Delhi’s economic interests with Iran – the common major foe for both Riyadh and Tel Aviv.
Editors commendably amended the article, replacing Tel Aviv with Jerusalem. Contrary to standard journalistic practice, editors did not append a note alerting readers to the change. The corrected passages follow.

See also: “Los Angeles Times Corrects: Jerusalem Is Israel’s Capital,” July 11, 2017