Alex Safian, PhD

American Bar Association Journal Libels Israel

ABA Journal, published by the American Bar Association, features as the cover story for its December issue an article on the Palestinian refugee problem that is seriously marred by numerous errors, omissions and distortions. Written by Jeffrey Ghannam, a staffer at the magazine, the article misrepresents Middle East history and international law to falsely portray the Palestinians and the Arabs generally as blameless victims of Israeli aggression, where the reverse is much closer to the truth.

In the Palestinians’ Pocket: Journalists Doing PR For the PA

In a revealing episode, Italy's state television network RAI has had to recall its correspondent from Jerusalem after he sent a letter to the Palestinian Authority stressing his support for the Palestinian cause. The journalist, Riccardo Cristiano, explained that, contrary to rumors, his station was not responsible for video of the brutal October 12th murder of two Israeli men by a Palestinian lynch mob at the Ramallah police station...

BACKGROUNDER: The Palestinian Claim to a “Right of Return”

Do Palestinians who fled Israel in 1948, and their descendants, have a legal or moral right to return to their former homes in Israel? Is it true that most other refugees around the world have already exercised such rights of repatriation?

After PBS Correction, Question Remains

After the January 1993 broadcast of Journey to the Occupied Lands PBS agreed that CAMERA's charges of material errors, distortions, and omissions would be extremely serious...if they were true.

PBS and Israel: A Pattern of Bias

Taxpayer-funded bias at PBS reached a low point with the broadcast in 1993 of Michael Ambrosino's Jouney to the Occupied Lands.

Read part one of CAMERA's exposé which ultimately led the network to withdraw the documentary for corrections.