Dexter Van Zile

CAMERA Researcher on the Steel on Steel Radio Program

CAMERA's Christian Research Analyst Dexter Van Zile was interviewed on Steel on Steel radio program, hosted by John Loeffler (left), about former President Jimmy Carter's new book We Can Have Peace in the Holy Land: A Plan That Will Work.

Jimmy Carter’s Second Draft

Jimmy Carter noticeably toned down his rhetoric in his most recent book; but the text – an obvious attempt to sanitize Hamas’ hostility and violence – is still filled with errors of fact and marred by egregious omissions.

Jimmy Carter (Still) Shills for Hamas

Former President Jimmy Carter established himself as the preeminent spokesperson for Hamas in the U.S. during his recent appearence on Charlie Rose.

King Gives Carter a Pass (Mostly)

The limitations of Larry King’s non-confrontational interview style became obvious during former President Jimmy Carter’s appearance on “Larry King Live.”

Updated: UN Agency Condemns Israel, Enables Terror

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) is a constant source of criticism of Israel. It has also been an employer of terrorists who have attacked Israel.

Moyers, Like Nixon, Hunkers Down

Taken aback at criticism of his suggestion that Israeli attacks on Hamas are a consequence of “genetic” encoding, Bill Moyers backtracks while falsely accusing Israel of attacking the entire population of Gaza.

Bill Moyers Rants Against Israel — And Jews

In a recent PBS commentary, Bill Moyers presented several highly distorted statements about the crisis in Gaza and also depicted Israeli violence as a consequence of “genetic encoding.”

Christian Peacemakers Ignore Unpleasant Topics

Two recent commentaries about the fighting in Gaza embody the tendency of Christian churches and NGOs to engage in escapist fantasy when confronted with unpleasant realities.