Dexter Van Zile

The Bias Remains the Same

The PC(USA)’s 2006 General Assembly may have reversed a 2004 resolution calling for the church to divest from Israel, but the resolution is having little impact on the actions of the denomination’s investment committee.

Sabeel’s Demonizing Liturgy

Sabeel's “Contemporary Way of the Cross” turns a dishonest narrative about the Arab-Israeli conflict into an object of religious devotion.

National Geographic Distorts Situation in Bethlehem

Every Christmas, journalists and commentators use the Nativity as a lens to portray Israel as a land-stealing oppressor nation. This year, National Geographic kicks off the season with a distorted article.

Boston’s Old South Church Welcomes Sabeel

Boston's Old South Church is renting its worship space to Sabeel, an organization that traffics in anti-Judaic imagery and supports a one-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Mennonites Organize Meeting With Ahmadinejad, Again

The Mennonite Central Committee, a group promoting a one-state solution to the Arab-Israeli conflict, organized a meeting of Christians with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, a man who has called for Israel to be “wiped off the map.”

Mainline Churches Embrace Burge’s False Narrative

In 2003, Pilgrim Press published a book that is filled with inaccuracies and sourcing problems. Despite these inaccuracies, it has been embraced by "peace" activists in the U.S as a trusted source of information.