Steven Stotsky

Professor Accuses Israel of Slow-Motion Genocide

Clemson Philosophy Professor Todd May calls for an end to all aid to Israel and accuses the Jewish state of committing a "slow-motion genocide" against the Palestinians despite all evidence to the contrary.

“Jewish Voice for Peace” A Voice for Defamation

Jewish Voice for Peace disseminates anti-Israel propaganda under the guise of promoting Israeli-Palestinian peace. A recent Op-Ed underscores their penchant for fabricating charges against Israel.

Plan for Palestinian Police Force Seven Times Larger than Current Force

Reuters reports that rebuilding Palestinian security forces may require up to 7 billion dollars beyond the current 7.4 billion dollar aid package promised at the Paris conference. This follows an article in the Jordan Times calling for a 50,000 person Palestinian police force.

Occupation 101 (2007)

Written, Directed, and Produced by Sufyan Omeish and Abdallah Omeish Arabic, English with English subtitles 90 minutes
Occupation 101 falsely equates the Palestinian cause with civil rights struggles around the world, featuring well rehearsed indictments of the Jewish state by a who’s who of anti-Israel activists. It would have more aptly been titled Propaganda 101.

Foreign Aid and Palestinian Violence: An Uncomfortable Correlation

As Western governments meet in Paris to agree upon a massive new aid package for  the new Palestinian government, a disturbing correlation between the amount of aid to previous Palestinian governments and the number of homicides committed by Palestinians warrants analysis.

Economist Corrects Error on Hamas Suicide Bombing Campaign

The Economist claimed on Oct. 11 that Hamas suicide bombings were prompted by Baruch Goldstein's Hebron Mosque attack in 1994. CAMERA pointed out that Hamas had already initiated its suicide bombing campaign a year earlier.