Steven Stotsky

Amanpour’s Troubling Journalism

Christiane Amanpour gained fame by using her role as a journalist to advocate on behalf of Bosnian Muslims who she believed were threatened by genocide.  Now her brand of advocacy journalism is being applied to promote an anti-Western and anti-Israel narrative.

Exposing Mazin Qumsiyeh’s Falsehoods

The Brookline Tab carried a CAMERA guest commentary on Palestinian activist Mazin Qumsiyeh (Oct. 4, 2007), exposing his extremist message. 

Radical anti-Israel views on Chicago’s WBEZ

Long a forum for controversial views on the Middle East conflict, Worldview, a global affairs program produced by Chicago Public Radio station WBEZ, has in recent months featured a preponderance of anti-Zionists.

Correlating Palestinian Aid and Homicides 2000-2007

As Western governments meet in Paris to agree upon a massive new aid package for  the new Palestinian government, a disturbing correlation between the amount of aid to previous Palestinian governments and the number of homicides committed by Palestinians warrants analysis.

Azmi Bishara’s Apologia in the Los Angeles Times

In an apologia published by the Los Angeles Times, fugitive Israeli Arab parliamentarian Azmi Bishara likens himself to Alfred Dreyfus, the falsely accused French Jewish army officer. But Bishara is not a modern day Dreyfus.

Shilling for Hamas

Ofxam campaigns for international aid to Hamas despite the group's escalating rhetoric, involvement in terror operations and preparations for broader military confrontation with Israel.

A Promising Career at the Independent

Johann Hari, an up-and-coming writer known for his praise of  Hugo Chavez, has become a regular contributor to London's Independent. An ideological soulmate of Robert Fisk's, Hari merges anti-Zionist rhetoric with anti-Jewish themes.

Is Israel Responsible for Palestinian Healthcare Woes?

Richard Horton, editor of The Lancet, the prestigious British medical journal, exploits his position to blame Israel for Palestinian healthcare problems in a lengthy article in the New York Review of Books.