A BBC Fable

Early media coverage of Hizbullah's aggression against Israel presented a generally sound picture of cause and effect, of the terrorist group's agenda and of Israel's right to remove the menace to its people. The BBC, however, is a frequent exception.

BBC Does Not Give “Full and Fair Account” of Middle East Conflict

An independent panel commissioned by BBC's Board of Governors stated that the BBC does not consistently give a full and fair account of the Israeli-Arab conflict. Nowhere is this more evident than in the network's reporting on the latest crisis in Israel, Lebanon and Gaza.

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.

BBC News or BBC Propaganda?

The BBC is not only overtly partisan in its Web site article choices, it  misleads readers with a false, propagandistic version of the situation.  A  recent article entitled "Palestinians back prisoner release call" fails to inform readers that the protagonist interviewed was himself imprisoned for attempting to kidnap an Israeli soldier and that his wife had been imprisoned for planning a suicide bombing. 

Israel Should Not Be Presumed Guilty of Gaza Beach Deaths

Much has been reported about an explosion on a Gaza beach on June 9, 2006 which killed 7 people, including 3 children. There has been a video shown repeatedly of a young girl wailing with grief there, coming upon the dead body of her father, and photographs from this video displayed in newspapers. The media is reacting to this incident much as they did five years ago with the case of Mohammed Al Dura. But like that case, it is becoming doubtful that the explosion was from an Israeli source.

BBC’s Hardtalk Host Harangues Halevy with Hostile Questions

An April 3rd interview with former Mossad chief Efraim Halevy by BBC's "Hardtalk" host David Jessel is emblematic of the BBC's infamous anti-Israel bent. The host's questions are breathtaking in their hostility toward Israel and their one-sided, prejudicial nature.

BBC Partially Revises Biased Timeline on Web site

The BBC's Board of Governors recently upheld a complaint about a misleading description of UN Resolution 242 found on the BBC Web site timeline of the Israeli Palestinian conflict. The feature has now been partially revised. While the revision addresses only one of the many problems CAMERA has written about, it does represent a start—the acknowledgement by the BBC of imbalance.

Elusive Peace: Israel and the Arabs (2005)

BBC/PBS Documentary Produced and Directed by Norma Percy 150 minutes
This BBC documentary spares no effort to portray the Palestinians as blameless victims and the Israelis as heartless oppressors. Ignoring most Palestinian terror attacks, and blaming the eventual Israeli response to those attacks for the demise of cease-fire efforts, is just one of the many techniques used by the filmmakers in their tendentious effort to indict Israel.

On BBC Website, Israeli Noise More Serious than Palestinian Terrorism

Following a long pattern of presenting stories which cast Israelis as aggressors responsible for Palestinian suffering rather than as victims of Palestinian violence, a November 3 BBC Web site article discussed the alleged threat to Palestinian women and children in Gaza by Israeli noise, never once mentioning the Israeli women and children who are daily threatened with death by Palestinian mortar and rocket attacks.

Media Excuses Palestinian Destruction of Synagogues

As the IDF left the Gaza Strip, ending the Israeli presence there, Palestinians looted, burned and destroyed the synagogues left behind. One can only imagine the international outcry had Israelis destroyed even one deserted Muslim mosque, but here much of the media, justified the rampaging and turned the tables to criticize Israel.