BBC’s Profiles Obscure Reality

More than a year ago (2001-2002), BBC posted on its Web site several profiles of Middle Eastern leaders and groups. The profiles whitewashed Palestinian terrorist figures while, at the same time, harshly disparaging the Israeli prime minister. Despite letters to BBC about its unfair and biased features, the profiles remain unrevised on the Web site. Unfortunately, the misinformation in these features has been quoted and repeated as fact in English language newspapers across the world. For BBC to post such blatantly biased profiles is a violation of its own ethical code of impartiality, accuracy and fairness.

BBC’s News Misjudgement

Despite the BBC World Service’s claims to set the standard for accurate and impartial journalism, reports about the Palestinian-Israeli conflict are rarely if ever impartial. On November 22, 2002, the day after a bloody suicide bombing in Jerusalem which killed 11 Israeli women and children, BBC World Service’s NewsHour followed up--not with a report on the Israeli children who had just seen classmates blown apart on the way to school--but with an in-depth feature on Palestinian children fearful of the Israeli military response to terrorist actions.

The World Reports Objectively on Christian Support for Israel

A recent “The World” news broadcast produced jointly by WGBH, BBC and PRI has demonstrated that fair and accurate coverage of Israel on public radio is not an impossible standard. On the Nov. 20 broadcast, which was aired by public radio stations around the United States, Aaron Schachter reported on the American Christian right's support for Israel and for the Israelis living in settlement communities.

The World’s Version of Mideast History

From May 20 through May 24, 2002, The World's Patrick Cox presented a five-part special report entitled "A Middle East History," where he attempted to sum up the complex history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict in brief soundbytes, drawing heavily on Arab propaganda claims, omitting relevant information, and skewing the facts.

BBC Softpedals Terrorism

In its website coverage and World Service radio broadcasts, BBC continues to purvey a highly distorted anti-Israel picture of events in the Middle East. A website headline about a terrorist who shot dead three Israelis and injured 16 others obscured the fact that he was a Palestinian by stating "Israel bus station gunman kills three..."

The BBC, the British Press, and the Attack on America

In much of the British press, the tragic and horrific events that shook the world on September 11, 2001 have been cynically used to further anti-Israel sentiment -and the Independent, the Guardian, the Observer, AND the BBC all carried news columns or commentary implicating Israel and U.S. support of Israel as a central cause for the terror attacks...

BACKGROUNDER: Jewish Settlements and the Media

The subject of Jewish settlements in the West Bank and Gaza has long provoked severely distorted coverage. Regardless of differing political views on settlement policy, information about the much-reported issue should be factual and balanced.

CAMERA Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal: “The Real Story on Israel”

Why has the Middle East peace process degenerated into undeclared warfare, with Palestinian suicide bombers targeting Israelis, and Israel apparently contemplating unprecedented retaliation? You wouldn't be aware of the facts if you wouldn't be aware of them if you got your information from much of the Western media.