What the Media Won’t Tell You About Palestinian Prisoners

All too often, mainstream media outlets whitewash the violent acts of Palestinian prisoners. Calling those incarcerated since before 1994 "political prisoners" is an egregious cover up of their brutal crimes, detailed here for the first time.

For BBC, Real Israel is “Hard to Imagine”

An anonymous BBC source in Lebanon says that Israel is "laughing" at the upheaval on its northern border, and Beirut correspondent Jim Muir concurs, explaining that it is "hard to imagine Israel not being happy." But one doesn't need a vivid imagination to understand Israeli concerns.

On Refugees and Racism, a Double Standard Against Israel

Recent press attention has focused on the repatriation of illegal African migrants from Israel. Very little of it has explained the context and difficult challenges facing Israel as a result of large-scale illegal immigration, particularly by non-Jews. None has included mention of Israel's history of welcoming refugees from around the globe.

BBC’s Hardtalk Features Norman Finkelstein, Smears Israel

BBC's shoddy, prejudicial treatment of Israel and Jewish issues continued in a May 8 Hardtalk segment with Sarah Montague that featured anti-Jewish, Israel-basher Norman Finkelstein as commentator on American Jewish attitudes towards Israel.

BBC Derails on Jerusalem Tram Story

Writing for the BBC, freelance travel writer Matthew Teller misleads readers about the history of Jerusalem, about international law, and about present-day Jerusalem with a story about the city's new light rail.

CAMERA Responds to BBC in Spectator

In an essay published in the Spectator, a British news magazine, CAMERA critiques the latest disingenuous attempt by the BBC to defend its one-sided documentary about Jerusalem.

A Historical Perspective on the Itamar Killings

In the wake of a heinous terrorist attack in Itamar, a disturbing number of media reports focused on Israeli “settlements” as the primary problem afflicting the region.  Neglected were the historical parallels to grisly Arab terrorist attacks resulting from anti-Jewish incitement – all in the absence of settlements.