
Guardian Publishes Seale’s Tirade Against Israel

The Guardian publishes an Op-Ed by Patrick Seale accusing Israel of conducting a ruthless operation in Gaza primarily aimed not at reducing the rocket attacks or freeing captured Israeli corporal Gilad Shalit but rather at squelching Palestinian moderates. The piece is riddled with unsubstantiated speculation, exaggerations, distorted language and false assertions.

Guardian’s False Apartheid Charges—Part II

Part two of CAMERA's investigation into Chris McGreal's Guardian feature comparing Israel to apartheid South Africa reveals more erroneous and distorted reporting by the newspaper's Middle East correspondent.

Guardian Defames Israel with False Apartheid Charges

A recent series of articles in the Guardian by Chris McGreal charges that Israel is an apartheid state similar to the old South Africa. According to the paper, "after four years reporting from Jerusalem and more than a decade from Johannesburg before that, the Guardian's award-winning Middle East correspondent Chris McGreal is exceptionally well placed to assess this explosive comparison." Explosive the comparison certainly is, especially because a CAMERA investigation reveals that Mr. McGreal's arguments are uniformly based either on materially false assertions, or on assertions wrenched grotesquely out of context.

Guardian portrays Israel as an Apartheid State

In an all-out assault on Israel's legitimacy, the Guardian newspaper has published a lengthy two-day "Special Report" on February 6 and 7 by reporter Chris McGreal, promoting the false and defamatory allegation that Israel is an apartheid and colonial state.

Guardian Cheerleads for Hamas

While European Union and American officials are aghast at the electoral victory of the terrorist organization Hamas, London's Guardian newspaper wasted no time in burnishing the image of the group sworn to Israel's destruction and treating its victory as a positive development.

Hamas PR by the Guardian

An analysis of the Palestinian election by the Guardian's diplomatic editor, Ewen MacAskill, softens and justifies Hamas's goals and motives, depicting the terrorist organization's political victory ludicrously as a chance to achieve real peace between Israelis and Palestinians. This delusional attitude and acceptance of Hamas's rhetoric reflects the predominant Guardian position on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Partisanship in the Guardian’s Middle East Coverage

In recent years, some have accused the Guardian of fueling hostility towards the Jewish state through its unbalanced reporting of events in the Middle East. The coverage by Brian Whitaker, who has served as the paper's Middle East Editor since May 1999 and contributes articles for Guardian Unlimited, the internet edition of the Guardian, as well as the Guardian paper, is representative of the paper's perspective.

CAMERA Op-Ed: News and Jews in Britain

An essential step to begin reversing British anti-Semitism is for the British media to start applying journalistic standards of accuracy and balance that would halt the demonizing of Israel and provide a truer picture of the Arab-Israeli conflict.

Journalists Fall Prey to Palestinian Booby-Traps

In the labyrinth of concrete homes and competing claims that mark Israel's operation in Gaza, the Los Angeles Times' Ken Ellingwood loses his way, straying from the Society of Professional Journalists' Code of Ethics in reporting a Palestinian claim as fact. He is joined in this by the Guardian's Chris McGreal on NPR.