Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times Corrects: Nahariya Not a Settlement

CAMERA staff elicited a correction from the Los Angeles Times today that Nahariya, the northern Israeli town where Samir Kuntar carried out a terrorist attack in 1979, is not a Jewish settlement. Beyond the factual error, Tempest's article was extremely one-sided, drawing a sympathetic, emotive picture of the "plight" of Samir Kuntar and his family, while completely ignoring that of his victims.

Siegman Fabrications Result in LA Times Correction

Henry Siegman has a history of dishonesty when writing about the Arab-Israeli conflict. So it is perhaps no surprise that the Los Angeles Times found it necessary to publish a correction to demonstrably false assertions in Siegman's June 18, 2006 Op-Ed.

Makdisi Smears Sharon in LA Times

Saree Makdisi, a professor of English and comparative literature at UCLA, and a nephew of Edward Said, has inherited his uncle's political outlook ‑ an opposition to the existence of the state of Israel. Like Said, Makdisi has channeled his animosity into publishing anti‑Israel screeds full of false rhetoric. He has become, for instance, a regular contributor to the Los Angeles Times, despite a November 2004 Op‑Ed which was corrected due to factual errors and distortions.

Robert Fisk: Telling it Like it Isn’t

Robert Fisk, the notoriously anti-Israel journalist, wrote a column charging that Israel's friends have successfully influenced the semantics of Middle East coverage by American journalists, supposedly leading to "journalistic obfuscation" to the detriment of the Palestinians. Underlying Fisk's ire about American coverage is the reality that from his perspective as an extreme pro-Palestinian partisan, reporting by U.S. media is insufficiently tilted in the direction he prefers.

CAMERA Member Prompts LA Times Correction

A CAMERA member has prompted the following correction in the Los Angeles Times concerning an article which misidentified Palestinian-controlled areas in the West Bank and Gaza as "Palestine":

LA Times’ Uncritical ‘Review’ of Corrie Play

In his Los Angeles Times review of the British play "My Name is Rachel Corrie," David Gritten describes Rachel Corrie as "a relatively obscure name in her native U.S," one of several distortions about the American who interfered in a closed military area in the Gaza Strip and was killed accidentally.

Media Excuses Palestinian Destruction of Synagogues

As the IDF left the Gaza Strip, ending the Israeli presence there, Palestinians looted, burned and destroyed the synagogues left behind. One can only imagine the international outcry had Israelis destroyed even one deserted Muslim mosque, but here much of the media, justified the rampaging and turned the tables to criticize Israel.