Orlando Sentinel

Hassan Rouhani – The Extremists’ ‘Moderate’

Early news reporting about Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani tossed around "moderate," "pragmatist" and "centrist." It was left too often to opinion writers and think tank analysts to supply journalistic details.

Sun Sentinel Columnist Gets Facts Wrong

Pierre Tristam gets a number of facts wrong in an op-ed published in Florida's Sun Sentinel. He falsely claims Gazans can't fish in the Mediterranean (they can) and that they cannot trade with the outside world. They do.

Caricature or Bigotry?

The Chicago Tribune and other newspapers conceded a Dick Locher cartoon came close to anti-Semitism.

Charley Reese Misrepresents Danger to Christian Arabs

Orlando Sentinel columnist Charley Reese, whose voluminous anti-Israel portfolio includes frequent severe distortions of fact, is at it again. In his column entitled "Racism, Bigotry Bad for All" he grossly misrepresents the current dangerous situation facing Christian Arabs in the Palestinian areas...