Washington Post

New Web Feature: CAMERA Inaugurates BBC-Watch and Washington Post-Watch

Located under "Action Items" on the CAMERA home page is a new feature focusing on two leading news organizations, the BBC and The Washington Post. BBC-Watch will help expose the severe anti-Israel bias in BBC news coverage. CAMERA's Washington Post-Watch feature also will help spark quick reader responses to coverage in one of America's leading daily newspapers.

Newspaper Headlines Omit Terror Perpetrators

Newspaper headlines about the Hamas terrorist bombing in Jerusalem — for which the death tally has now reached 17 — and Israel's strike against Hamas in Gaza that killed four members of that organization and five bystanders have very often failed to represent events clearly.

When Moore is Less at the Washington Post

Correspondent Molly Moore’s often problematic coverage of Israeli-Palestinian news is highlighted by her dispatch, “A Leader's Conflicting Impulses; Palestinian Is Known for Strong Views, but Shuns Confrontation,” page one, The Washington Post, May 10.

The Blame Game – Inverted

Does the conflict between Palestinians and Israel prevent the expansion of democracy (including religious freedom), economic development and social diversity (including minority equality) in the Arab world? Or is that conflict a result of deeply-rooted anti-democratic and socially intolerant beliefs among many in the Arab world?

Revealing Rerun

The Washington Post's Molly Moore is at it again. Her “Watching the War; To Young Palestinians, Images of Suffering Are All Too Familiar,” (April 3) is the latest one-sided portrayal of Palestinians as victims of Israel. She uncritically interviews several West Bankers who claim to identify with televised images of Iraqi civilians frisked at U.S. checkpoints or “children bloodied by shrapnel from missile strikes.” Moore is a Jerusalem-based correspondent for the Post, but at least this offering did not make the hard news “A” section. Editors ran it in “Style,” home to fashion, fads and celebrities.