Washington Post

Novak’s Obsession

Syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak alleges that a U.S.-led war against Iraq — if it comes — will be largely on behalf of Israel. He calls it “Sharon's war.” The Washington Post headlined his Dec. 26 Op-Ed “Sharon’s War?” It's Novak's latest effort in a long campaign slandering Israel as a Middle East obstructionist exerting a sinister influence on U.S. policy.

Washington Post Alert: Cartoon Calumny

Tom Toles, successor to the legendary Herblock as Washington Post editorial page cartoonist, is known for his simple if not simplistic style; small, "cute" doll-like characters; and droll, topical punch lines often echoed by a miniature secondary drawing in the bottom right corner of his panel. But Toles's formula failed utterly in his Sunday, Dec. 15 effort, undermined by a false moral equivalence apparently based on either ignorance or tendentious disregard of fact.

AP “Israeli spying” Story an “Urban Myth” According to Justice Department

The Associated Press in March recycled a hoax story (U.S. Deports Israelis Amid Warnings of Espionage Activities) charging that a massive Israeli spy ring has been operating in America, and that "authorities have arrested and deported dozens of young Israelis since early last year who represented themselves as art students in efforts to gain access to sensitive federal office buildings ..."

Washington Post Wrong on Refugees

Washington Post's Howard Schneider makes the surprising claim that: "The fate of an estimated 8.6 million displaced Palestinians and their descendants, including more than 3 million registered for humanitarian aid in Gaza, the West Bank and nearby Arab countries, is among the central issues to be resolved in any Israeli-Palestinian peace agreement." The highest number heard from advocates of the Palestinian "right of return" in the context of Israeli- Palestinian peace agreements is 5 million.