Washington Times

CAMERA Letter-to-the-Editor: ‘Israel defending itself’

A Washington Times report about recent Palestinian attacks in Israel downplayed incitement to violence. It also quoted without factual rebuttal a Palestinian spokesman alleging an Israeli “culture of hate.” CAMERA's letter set the record straight.

CAMERA Op-Ed: Ban Ki Moon Wrong About Israeli Settlements

When U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon insists that Israeli settlements are illegal, as he did again recently, he's not only wrong but he also misleads the news media and undermines the organization he heads. A CAMERA Op-Ed in The Washington Times shows how the secretary-general errs.

Who Made Terrorist and Militant Synonymous?

What allows terrorists to become militants in the same news report? What makes al Qaeda in Yemen terrorists but Hezbollah, suspected in the bus bombing that killed five Israeli tourists in Bulgaria, “militants”?

Letter in Washington Times: U.S. Election is not Israel’s Iran Consideration

 A Washington Times columnist, Arnaud de Borchgrave, tied a possible Israeli attack on Iran's presumed nuclear weapons program to the U.S. presidential election, and cited an Israeli source as downplaying the Iranian threat. CAMERA's letter to the editor supplied the missing, and contradictory, context.

Elie Wiesel Challenges President Obama; Washington Post Misses Story

 President Barack Obama and Elie Wiesel visited the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in connection with Holocaust Remembrance Day. While there, Wiesel challenged the president over Syrian repression and Iranian threats against Israel. Washington Post coverage omitted the biggest news.