CAMERA’s Washington D.C. office has prompted corrections regarding a July 30 Washington Post article which wrongly referred to a “total” blockade of the Gaza Strip and attributed the start of the second Palestinian intifada to “Israel’s occupation and expansion of settlements.”
Sudarsan Raghavan erred (“Palestinians in West Bank watch, worry and check their phones as Gaza conflict rages“):
In 2000, the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, erupted in protest of Israel’s occupation and expansion of settlements. . . .After Hamas seized control of Gaza in 2007, Israel imposed a total blockade of the strip.
After receiving communication from CAMERA staff, Post editors promptly published the following correction Aug. 5 on page A-2:
A July 30 A-section article on Palestinians in the West Bank who are separated from relatives in the Gaza Strip incorrectly reported that Israel imposed a “total” blockade on Gaza in 2007. Israel restricts, but does not completely prohibit, the movement of goods, resources and people between its territory and Gaza. The article also incorrectly said that the second Palestinian intifada, or uprising, in 2000 was a response to the Israeli occupation and expansion of settlements. While those were long-standing factors that contributed to Palestinian grievances against Israel, there were multiple triggers for the uprising, and whether it was spontaneous or planned is the subject of debate.
CAMERA commends The Post for its straightforward and timely correction, and continues to urge editors to correct the article online as well.
For additional Washington Post corrections prompted by CAMERA, please see here.
Aug. 7 Update: Washington Post Corrects Online Article
Post editors have commendably also corrected the online article, and prominently placed a correction at the very top of the article, just under the headline: