Time Magazine has a long and unfortunate history of anti-Israel bias, dating back many decades. This month, it added two more one-sided articles defaming Israelis.
Time Magazine's Karl Vick doesn't bother to tell readers that Abbas chose not to negotiate with Israel, and describes 800 rockets targeting Israel in 10 months as attacks that happen "from time to time."
In his Time magazine cover story, Karl Vick provides a simplistic black vs. white depiction of secular-haredi battles, ignoring figures and social trends which point to a newly emerging phenomenon.
When tempted to weigh in on contentious legal debates, Karl Vick should remember that he's not a scholar of international law but a journalist. And his editors should take note that he has shown himself not to be an objective journalist but rather one who feels all-too-comfortable taking sides.
Reporting of Arab "Nakba Day" commemorations was a mixed bag, with problematic reporting by some of the usual suspects — Time's Karl Vick opted to obfuscate rather than clarfiy, Washington Times coverage bested the Post's, and false Palestinian claims that refugees were all forced from their homes in 1948 were heard.
A journalist who manipulates every bit of breaking news to fit a favored narrative, as Karl Vick has done, is better suited for the most partisan of blogs.
Karl Vick's latest is as crude as earlier caricatures of Israel, but apparently fills the bill for a weekly magazine that can't figure out what relevance it has in the new media age.
Partisan activists call Israel's barrier a "wall" in hopes of evoking Berlin, call Palestinians the "natives" in hopes of casting Jews as colonial outsiders, and conflate Jewishness with Israeli citizenship to allege racism. Why is Time Magazine adopting their biased language?
Time Magazine is at it again. Shortly after its story playing on anti-Semitic stereotypes of materialistic Israelis, it published an article about materialism in Ramallah — this time without criticism of Palestinians being more concerned with the good life than peace.
In its Sept. 13 edition, Time shocked many readers with a cover image of a Jewish star comprised of daisies with the title "Why Israel Doesn't Care About Peace." The article, while not quite as slanderous as the cover, nevertheless contains fallacies and invokes anti-Semitic stereotypes.