Violations of the public trust in journalism can take many forms, ranging from blatant fabrication, like CNN's now infamous Tailwind story, to more insidious abuses like carefully choosing words to subtly advocate a point of view.
Interviewed by Israeli-born journalist Shoula Horing of radio station KCXL in December 1997, CNN Jerusalem Bureau Chief Walter Rodgers made observations about Israel and the Middle East that were troubling insight into the roots of the distorted message he regularly broadcasts.
In a remarkable series of articles in late May, Geneva Overholser, the outgoing Ombudsman at the Washington Post and formerly the editor of a major Midwest newspaper, offered her observations about the state of journalism generally and conditions at the Post specifically.
BOSTON—Citing pervasive misinformation in the media as well as in US policymaking circles about Arab building in Jerusalem, CAMERA released a study documenting extensive housing construction in Arab neighborhoods of the city.
June 5, 1997 marked thirty years since Israel won the Six Day War and the anniversary prompted a rash of news stories about a victory that brought the West Bank and eastern Jerusalem under Israeli control.