Rashid Khalidi

New York Times Attacks Israel on its Op-Ed Page

Given the New York Times' disgraceful history of anti-Israel opinion columns, it is unsurprising that on January 8, in the midst of Israel's war with Hamas, it loaded its Op-Ed page exclusively with columns condemning Israel. Even worse, it did not bother to fact-check!

Myths and Facts about the Fighting in Gaza

Myths about the fighting in Gaza multiply everyday. For example, Rashid Khalidi in a New York Times op-ed provided multiple examples of Gaza myths in an article purporting to do the opposite. (updated Jan. 19)

WASHINGTON POST-WATCH: Two of Three Editorials in the Ditch

Since just before the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war, Washington Post editorials have been better than the newspaper's foreign desk on Arab-Israeli news, often more timely and balanced. But two of three recent commentaries hit the ditch.

NPR Still Skews the News

Two extremely skewed segments on National Public Radio's popular Talk of the Nation news and talk program underscore that anti-Israel bias continues on the network.

B’Tselem, Los Angeles Times Redefine “Civilian”

Misrepresenting civilian deaths in the Palestinian-Israeli conflict, guest columnist Rashid Khalidi erroneously reported June 17 in the Los Angeles Times that "The U.S. media regularly fail to mention that three times as many Palestinians as Israelis–most on both sides civilians–have been killed since September 2000, when the second intifada began" ("Can Hamas Cut a Deal for Peace?")