Celebrating Jerusalem Amidst Denial of Jewish Rights

Jerusalem Day commemorates Israel's 1967 liberation of Judaism's holy sites and Jerusalem's subsequent reunification. Amid the celebrations are familiar Arab denials of Jewish connection to Jerusalem and a new U.S. approach toward the conflict that has fueled controversy in 2010.

Historical Amnesia at the Financial Times

The Financial Times ignores the history of eastern Jerusalem, denying Jewish historical, legal and religious connection to the city, while validating Palestinian claims.

Economist Defends Jerusalem Article

The Economist responded to CAMERA's critique of its one-sided and distorted article on Jerusalem. But despite an editor’s assertion that the Economist "always strives to present a fair picture," the magazine's defense merely reinforced the article’s unfair, partisan attitude.

Seattle Times Columnist Entitled to Own Facts?

Bruce Ramsey is entitled to his opinions. In fact, as a columnist for the Seattle Times, that’s precisely what he gets paid for. But it seems that his employers feel he’s entitled to his own facts, too, including the falsehood that "rockets [from Gaza] hadn't killed any Israelis."

Economist Demonizes Israel with Racist Traffic Light Accusation

The Economist, with Al Jazeera hot on its heels, has dug up a new Israeli villain: traffic lights. The news organizations allege Jerusalem traffic lights oppress Arabs with long red signals. In fact, Jewish and Arab traffic on major roads takes precedence over Jewish and Arab traffic on smaller roads.

Anatomy of a False Allegation; The Petraeus Controversy

A partisan blogger falsely claimed that General David Petraeus warned Israeli intransigence was putting American soldiers at risk. CNN and BBC then repeated the  allegation. Petraeus denies saying it. Where is the correction from CNN and BBC?