Steven Stotsky

Expose on UNRWA Deserves Attention

In 2009, John Lindsay, the former counsel for UNRWA, published a scathing expose of the organization, detailing how far it had strayed from its original purpose.

The Demography Argument Takes Center Stage

Both President Barack Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry cite the demographic argument to prod Israel toward an agreement to establish a Palestinian state before "the window" closes.

The Ideology and Rhetoric Behind the ASA Boycott

The American Studies Association votes to boycott the only Middle Eastern state that encourages vigorous and free academic debate. By blocking boycott opponents from presenting their arguments before the vote, the hypocrisy of the boycott supporters is exposed.

Backgrounder on the Bedouin Land Dispute

A solution to the property claims of the Negev Beduin has so far defied resolution. The media fails to provide enough historical context to understand the arguments presented by both sides of the dispute.

NPR Host Obstructs Balanced Discussion on Iran

NPR's Tom Ashbrook hosted a discussion of the proposed interim deal with Iran over its nuclear program  but repeatedly interrupted the guest expert who opposed the deal.