Agence France-Presse (AFP)

AFP Promotes Propaganda on Gaza Water Issues

An Agence France Press article by Safaa Kanj about water shortages and contamination in Gaza suffered from one-sidedness, distortions and factual inaccuracies. The writer consulted only Palestinian sources, put the onus entirely on Israel (mostly incorrectly) for water scarcity problems,  and ignored any information which implicated the Palestinians or which portrayed Israel in a positive light.

Wire Services Blame Israel in Disputed Incident

Wire stories yesterday from the Agence France Presse and Associated Press blame Israel for killing a 20-year-old Palestinian in an incident which is now under dispute. The Israeli army says that their Palestinian counterparts informed them the young man was a victim of an internal Palestinian feud.

AFP’s Timeline of Bias

Judging by some of today's AFP reports, timeliness came at the expense of objective reporting. The timeline entitled "Major events in Palestinian history" whitewashes Palestinian Arab violence and responsibility for the conflict.

Updated: AFP Corrects Misinformation on Al Aksa Arson

An egregious error in a June 28, 2005 Agence France Presse (AFP) story has been corrected. The report initially claimed that a 1969 arson attempt at the Al Aksa mosque was carried out by "Jewish hardliners," when in fact it was carried out by an Australian Protestant.

Dissembling Demolitions

Why do photo services feature images of forlorn Palestinian children scampering across rubble if the structures were uninhabited?