Agence France-Presse (AFP)

AFP Corrects Captions on Islam’s, Judaism’s Holiest Sites

CAMERA prompts correction of AFP captions which misidentified the holiest sites in two major religions. The Al-Aqsa mosque is the third holiest site in Islam, not the most sacred. The Temple Mount, not the Western Wall, is Judaism's most sacred site.

AFP Photo Captions Holy Wrong

AFP captions err on the most sacred sites for two of the major world religions:  Islam and Judaism. Other captions obscure Palestinian attacks, referring to "violence between Palestinians, Israeli forces and Jewish settlers."

AFP Corrects Caption: Bombed Gaza Site Was Hamas Base

CAMERA's Israel office prompts correction today of an AFP photo caption which omitted the essential fact that the pictured Gaza site, bombed during an Israeli airstrike, was a Hamas training camp.

AFP Captions Cover Up for Islamic Jihad’s Khader Adnan

With captions that ignore Khader Adnan's top position in Islamic Jihad, AFP functions more like a public relations firm instead of a news agency. The homecoming photos appeal to viewers' emotions, the captions mislead.

AFP Sets Record Straight on Gaza Flooding

Following communication from CAMERA, AFP retracts its video claiming that a "Gaza village flooded as Israel opens dam gates," and publishes a comprehensive article on the "shattering" of a "Palestinian myth."

Gaza Flood Libel Updates: AFP and Al Jazeera

AFP pulls a video which falsely accused Israel of flooding Gaza by opening dams, and the French agency, along with Al Jazeera, issue reports casting the false Palestinian charge as a "he said/she said" dispute. So far, neither has corrected.

AFP Lies, Dam Lies and Floods

AFP has trouble passing up on a juicy story, however flimsy, accusing Israel of wrongdoing. The latest accuses Israel of flooding Gaza by opening dams. Only, there are no dams that can be opened in southern Israel.

Update: AFP's video has been pulled from websites; still no correction.