Chicago Tribune

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.

Chicago Tribune Public Editor Lauds Sabeel

In his October 20th column, Chicago Tribune public editor Don Wycliff weighed in on the debate surrounding Sabeel, a Jerusalem-based Palestinian Christian organization which is accused of reviving the anti-Semitic "teaching of contempt" dogma long repudiated by most of the Christian world. Wycliff stated that the organization does "classy work."

Media Survey: Reporting All Sides?

If the circumstances surrounding a man's death are uncertain, media coverage should reflect this uncertainty. But CAMERA's evaluation shows the record is mixed.

Time to Reopen Case on Geyer’s Hoaxes

Since the revelations of massive plagiarizing and fabrication by New York Times reporter Jayson Blair, editors at other publications have often been more willing to investigate the public's concerns about their own journalists.  This increased editorial rigor has resulted in the discovery of fabricated reports, some of them years old. It is time to reopen the case of syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer.

Journalists Behaving Badly

Since the discovery of massive journalistic fraud involving plagiarism and fabrication by the New York Times’ Jayson Blair, new revelations have emerged about similar offenses by journalists at other prominent newspapers. Underscoring that journalism is as infallible as any other endeavor, these additional cases of dereliction will hopefully reinforce editors’ willingness to address reader concerns about error and distortion.

Double Standards in Headlines

Many headlines continue to present violence against Israelis differently from that against Palestinians. The latest examples were headlines that appeared following the killing of 7-month-old Shaked Avraham who was shot by a Palestinian terrorist on the Jewish New Year.

UPDATED: Journalists Veer Off ‘Road Map,’ Crash Into Cease-Fire

It seems that some members of the media are having a tough time differentiating the terms of the American brokered "road map" from Palestinian unilateral demands on Israel. Namely, while Palestinians have conditioned their cease-fire on the release of thousands of Palestinian prisoners from Israeli prisons (among other demands), the "road map" plan, drawn up by the United States, European Union, Russia, and the United Nations, has nothing at all to say about Palestinian prisoners.

Caricature or Bigotry?

The Chicago Tribune and other newspapers conceded a Dick Locher cartoon came close to anti-Semitism.

Newspaper Headlines Omit Terror Perpetrators

Newspaper headlines about the Hamas terrorist bombing in Jerusalem — for which the death tally has now reached 17 — and Israel's strike against Hamas in Gaza that killed four members of that organization and five bystanders have very often failed to represent events clearly.

STUDY: Chicago Tribune Headline Bias

Headlines are meant to capture the reader’s attention and often determine whether people choose to read an article at all. In many instances, they are the only information readers derive about a story. The Chicago Tribune, one of America’s most prominent newspapers, has a significant headline problem. In looking at seven months of coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict, CAMERA found notable differences in the nearly 200 headlines for stories reporting Israeli versus Palestinian actions.