Chicago Tribune

Chicago Tribune Alert: Survey Results Misrepresented

The December 25, 2002 Chicago Tribune editorial "Can there be "˜peace on Earth?' " misrepresents the findings of a survey conducted by a group called "Search for Common Ground." The editorial claims the survey "reports that 7 in 10 Israelis would allow a Palestinian state based roughly on the 1967 borders — in exchange for an end to violence. But many don't trust the Palestinians to stop attacking Israelis. On the Palestinian side, about the same number show a readiness to stop the violence for such a state, but many do not believe Israel would agree."

CAMERA Op-Ed: Geyer Misfires

Syndicated columnist Georgie Anne Geyer is a sorry reminder that when shoddy journalists are given a pass by lax editors, they go on and on producing error-filled commentary. Geyer writes often, even obsessively, about Israel and its supporters, and her columns are frequently marred by factual gaffes, distortion and at times reckless reliance on bogus sources.