Christian Science Monitor

The Christian Science Monitor and the Gaza Book Libel

Ruqaya Izzidien, who has contributed to the Muslim Brotherhood Web site, deceives and self-censors to breathe new life into the old Gaza blockade story, accusing Israel of stifling Gaza's intellectual life by making it difficult to import books. (And never mind Hamas's bans on books and newspapers.)

Too Many at Once

When Islamist terrorists murdered more than 50 Christians at a Church in Baghdad on Oct. 31, they overwhelmed the capacity of Western intellectuals to sweep Islamist violence under the rug.

Christian Science Monitor Contributors Stack the Ethnic Deck

temple mount construction destructionAn article in the Christian Science Monitor suggests that both Jewish and Palestinians "deny the spirituality or the sanctity of the history of the other," but it quickly becomes apparent that the authors are concerned only with purported Jewish "denial."

CAMERA Op-Ed in CS Monitor Addresses ‘Apartheid Week’

CAMERA's column in the Christian Science Monitor explains why "Israeli Apartheid Week" is a regressive concept, and is not about helping Palestinians but rather eliminating the Jewish people's national self-determination.

Anders Strindberg Turns Truth on its Head in Christian Science Monitor

In an Op-Ed that was published in the Christian Science Monitor on August 1, 2006, Anders Strindberg turns truth on its head by blaming Israel for the current situation while exonerating Hizballah and Hamas, groups designated as terrorist organizations by the U.S., Canada, the U.K. and Israel. He echoes the terrorists' propaganda both in his underlying premise that Israel's very existence is invalid and in his unsubstantiated allegations and misrepresentations against the Jewish State.

Monitor Muddles Terrorism and Fence Building

A Christian Science Monitor article treats the Israeli victims of a terrorist attack as an afterthought. To the Monitor, the tragedy seems to be -- not that two civilians were killed -- but that the suicide bombers “threatened to undermine the Palestinian Authority’s campaign to stop Israel’s barrier.”