New York Times

Bias at New York Times is Headline News

The New York Times story, "Cease-Fire in Gaza Expires, and Strikes Resume," on the end of the 72-hour ceasefire between Hamas and Israel, was yet another illustration of the paper's seeming inability to cover Israel fairly and accurately.

Analyzing Casualty Numbers, NYT Ignores Hamas Call for Duplicity

In a piece meant to be an in-depth examination of casualty claims, The New York Times explains that Palestinian NGOs get some of their data from doctors, but fails to remind readers of Hamas's instructions that Palestinians lie about civilian casualties.

New York Times Stumbles on Human Shields, Occupation

The newspaper of record places Israel on the border between Gaza and Egypt, ignores prominent legal scholars on Gaza "occupation," and seemingly invents an authoritative legal definition of human shields.

Robert Mackey Pulls New York Times to Extremes of Bias

Thanks to its partisan journalist Robert Mackey, The New York Times is loaded with the type of extremists who cheer the death of Israelis, rant about the "Zionist butcher regime," and call for Israel to disappear.

More Anti-Israel Bias from The New York Times’ Jodi Rudoren

A front-page analysis of Palestinian and Israeli societal attitudes by Jodi Rudoren provides an exemplar of how the newspaper inverts the truth, cherry-picks citations, omits relevant and crucial information to stack the deck against Israel and portray it as the primary culprit in the conflict.

Nicholas Kristof Does it Again

New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, whose last column on the conflict between Hamas and Israel was wildly off target, misfires again in his current column, Who's Right and Wrong in the Middle East? Maybe he should try a different topic.

Nicholas Kristof Targets Israel

Nicolas KristofWith rare exceptions the New York Times just can't get it right on Israel, and the op-ed page is no exception. The latest example: a column by Nicholas Kristof, which says Israel has a right to defend itself from Hamas rocket attacks, then immediately reverses course.

Roger Cohen Distorts Israel Hayom ‘Stone Age’ Comment

Days after a NY Times editorial completely distorted a poem quoted by Netanyahu, columnist Roger Cohen similarly misrepresents Amos Regev's call for returning Gaza to the "Stone Age – a reference to demilitarization and nothing more.

NY Times Double Standard Strikes Again

The New York Times has done it again. While it jumps to issue blanket, front page condemnations of Israeli society as "racist" whenever the opportunity arises, such sweeping moral conclusions seem to be absent when the target isn't Israel.