New York Times

As Hamas Targets Israel, Erlanger and the NY Times Join In

After three Israeli teens were murdered by Palestinian terrorists, and one Palestinian teen was murdered by Jewish terrorists, Steven Erlanger could reach only one conclusion: Jewish teens hate Arabs and Israeli society is to blame.

CAMERA Op-Ed in Times of Israel on NYT’s Faux Fairness

Once again, a New York Times editorials issues a pro-forma condemnation of both Israelis and Palestinians – before it proceeds to single out Israel for real or perceived wrongdoings, while downplaying foul play on the other side.

NYT Corrects: There Were Jerusalem Clashes

CAMERA's Israel office prompts correction today of a caption in the International New York Times which falsely claimed there had been no clashes in Jerusalem Friday following the funeral of Muhammad Abu Khbeir.

NY Times Corrects: Netanyahu Immediately Denounced Murder

Following communication from CAMERA's Israel office, The New York Times corrects yesterday's editorial which falsely claimed that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was slow to condemn the murder of 16-year-old Muhammad Abu Khdeir.

The Moral Equations of the New York Times

Just hours before the three abducted Israeli teenagers, Gilad Sha'ar, Eyal Yifrach, and Naftali Frankel, were discovered dead in a field belonging to one of the kidnappers' families, the New York Times printed an article purporting to demonstrate the "asymmetry of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the value of lives on both sides."

The iCatastrophe of al-Nakba Reporting

 Reporting of "al-Nakba Day" usually fails to note to what extent the Arabs' 1948 "catastrophe" was self-imposed. A new mobile phone application, "iNakba," promises to let users take anti-Israel revisionism with them. 

CAMERA Op-Ed: The New York Times Whitewashes Palestinian Terrorism

Just before Israel's Memorial Day, when the country mourns its fallen soldiers and victims of terrorism, The New York Times featured a prominent article about Islamic Jihad, the terrorist organization responsible for hundreds of Israeli victims. A timely choice, were it not for the fact that the article included no mention  of Islamic Jihad's terror attacks or anything about its victims.

Those Intransigent ‘Moderates’ of Fatah

 When the two Palestinian movements announced their newest unity pact late in April, news media distinguished 'moderate' Fatah from 'militant' Hamas. But the word The Washington Post and other outlets needed was pragmatic, not moderate.

NY Times Corrects Photo Caption on West Bank Clash

CAMERA prompts the correction of a front-page International New York Times photo caption which incorrectly identified a Palestinian demonstration as taking place inside an Israeli settlement.