
Reuters Reverts: Neutralizing Terrorism

In a world where terrorism has become disturbingly prevalent, there is no room for mitigation of terrorist actions. Reuters and others, however, attribute terrorism to mere claim by its victims.

Reuters Reports False Claims, But Ignores Flotilla Facts

reuters flotillaThe role of a news organization is to uncover and report the facts, not to hide them once they have already come to light. Yet Reuters inexcusably does the latter, suggesting today that Israeli soldiers might not have been attacked on the Mavi Marmara.

Fauxtography at Reuters: What Was Removed?

UPDATE, June 8: Reuters Posts Original Photos, Continuing to Justify Itself. Reuters, long faulted by CAMERA for its photographic bias, and the first news agency shown to be guilty of "fauxtography," has been exposed yet again!

Note to Media: Gilo Is in Jerusalem

Yesterday, Israel approved the building of 900 homes in its capital, a move opposed by the United States, and incorrectly reported by some media outlets which described Gilo as in the West Bank.

Updated: Reuters Distorts on Gaza Border, Healthcare

Update: Although it never corrected its report claiming Israel denied travel permits to 50 percent or more of sick Gazans, Reuters is now reporting that Israel admitted 81 percent of these patients last year.

Reuters Provides Hamas a Platform

"We bless the (Jerusalem) operation. It will not be the last," Hamas said in a statement following the terrorist attack at Mercaz HaRav, a Jewish yeshiva in Western Jerusalem, as candy was handed out in celebration in the Gaza Strip. Just three days earlier, a Reuters headline on an article presenting Hamas terrorists as heroic warriors trumpeted, "Inspired by God, Hamas Fighters Battle On."