USA Today

Exhibit B: USA Today Gaza Commentary an Inch Deep

USA Today’s editorial page writers apparently weren’t reading their paper’s news coverage of Israel's “Operation Preventive Edge” against Hamas’ attacks. An editorial and Op-Ed made similar, dangerously foolish points.

Exhibit A: USA Today’s Well-Balanced Gaza Reporting

USA Todays hard news and feature coverage of Israel's “Operation Preventive Edge” was better than that of many wealthier or “prestigious” competitors. Too bad the editorial page apparently wasn't reading it (See “Exhibit B,” July 16).

Jihadis for Jerusalem, Journalists for Confusion

A terrorist group chooses a name that implicitly recognizes the Jews' connection to Jerusalem. Journalists consistently mistranslate the name, erasing the religious-historical link.

The Helen Thomas Cover-Up: Media Whitewash Bigoted Record

 Laudatory obituaries for Helen Thomas, first female White House reporter for a major news service, minimized her 2010 anti-Israel, anti-Jewish outburst. They noted her "apology" but omitted her retraction. And Thomas' unprofessional hostility to the Jewish state went largely unreported.