USA Today

Hassan Rouhani – The Extremists’ ‘Moderate’

Early news reporting about Iranian president-elect Hassan Rouhani tossed around "moderate," "pragmatist" and "centrist." It was left too often to opinion writers and think tank analysts to supply journalistic details.

CAMERA Rebuts USA Today on Alicia Keys in Israel

 USA Today's coverage of pressure on singer Alicia Keys not to perform in Israel read like a Palestinian propaganda release, which it echoed. CAMERA's letter to the editor spotlighted the anti-Zionist falsehoods.

‘Occupied’ or ‘Disputed’ Depends on Israel’s Involvement

 What's the difference -- in news media coverage -- between Kashmir and the West Bank? It seems to be that, for the press, the former is "disputed" territory but the latter is "occupied." Yet sovereignty over the West Bank most definitely is unresolved and disputed.

Did Maen Areikat Call for a Jew-Free Palestinian State?

USA Today recently reported that Maen Areikat, the Palestinian representative to the United States, said a future Palestine should have no Jews. Areikat responded that the newspaper published a malicious lie. But the audio essentially confirms the newspaper's account.

CAMERA Letter in USA Today Rebuts “Cycle” of Violence Claim

The letter explained why USA Today's editorial on Gaza "misstated cause and effect," and why "there is no 'cycle' of 'Israel punishing innocent Palestinians in response to terrorism, inevitably stirring up more resentment and retaliation.'"

CAMERA Letter in USA Today Informs on Rafsanjani

The Sept. 24 letter discusses the former Iranian president's connections to al Qaida, the Iranian Revolutionary Guard, the killing of 19 U.S servicemen, and the country's nuclear weapons program.

Update on Media Coverage of Prisoners’ Document

Even while Hamas officials unequivocally stress the signing of prisoners' document does not mean the group accepts Israel's legitimacy, some news organizations continue to wrongly claim that by signing the document, Hamas leaders "effectively endorse a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict." Other news organizations, however, have significantly improved their reporting on the document.

Jimmy Carter Blunders in USA Today

When it comes to Arab-Israeli affairs, is former U.S. President Jimmy Carter a) uninformed, b) misinformed, or c) blinded by an anti-Israel animus? His USA Today Op-Ed, "Israel's new plan: A land grab" (May 16 print edition) makes a strong case for "all of the above."