NPR reporters have consistently misrepresented the Wye agreements and accused Israel of imposing "tough pre-conditions" when Israeli officials have insisted on Palestinian adherence to the accords.
Israel's 50th anniversary with its outpouring of media coverage has been a numbing reminder of journalism's herd instinct, the tendency of reporters to imitate one another, repeating the same themes and citing the same experts...
BOSTON — Calling for Congressional investigation into what it termed "anti-Israel propaganda" broadcast by National Public Radio, CAMERA announced today it will submit a complaint about the network to members of the Senate and House Committees that oversee public networks and to the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the agency that dispenses tax dollars to public networks.
Soon after it became known that the attack in Jordan on Hamas leader Khalid Mish'al involved Israeli agents, media outlets including CNN and the Associated Press reported that 2 days before the attack Hamas had offered Israel a 10 year truce. These reports portrayed the Hamas offer as "credible," and Israel as intransigent for refusing it.