Linda Gradstein

National Public Radio – All Bias, All the Time

National Public Radio reporters may not be fair or balanced when it comes to covering the Middle East, they may not be paragons of accuracy, or exemplars of journalistic ethics, but say this much for them – they are consistent.

NPR Bias Masks Arab Violence

Nearly every day brings fresh examples of National Public Radio's unabashed advocacy of Palestinian Arab views, and of NPR's willingness to compromise professional standards that require balanced, complete and accurate reporting.

Public Radio: Hatreds Newsworthy and Not

Boasting a constituency drawn heavily from America's best educated and most politically active, National Public Radio enjoys a unique vantage from which to reach and influence policy-makers.

A Study in News Manipulation

From time to time the CAMERA Media Report presents an extended analysis of the Middle East coverage of a single media outlet. This edition provides the results of a six-month study of National Public Radio and an account of the meeting held by CAMERA representatives with NPR officials regarding the study findings.

Linda Gradstein Pushes Political Agenda

NPR's Middle East correspondent, Linda Gradstein, has consistently issued reports colored by her publicly-stated views on the Arab-Israeli conflict - in an interview Gradstein revealed her personal views of the Middle East, which not only reflect an ignorance of history but an extremist political position.

Thumbs Down to Linda Gradstein

To National Public Radio's Linda Gradstein for her remorseless hectoring of Israel, and her contempt for fact and context. On July 30, 1992, Gradstein focused on Israel's supposedly capricious policy of keeping Palestinian Arab "exiles" waiting when they cross the Allenby Bridge from Jordan to visit family members in the West Bank.