Robert Novak – Misplaced Praised
The late Robert D. Novak was much-praised for his fact-based commentary. Yet his columns on Israel, U.S.-Israel ties and American supporters of the Jewish state amounted to a decades'-long, error-filled screed.
Robert Novak's long tenure as a syndicated columnist and CNN television commentator is sorry proof that extreme anti-Israel animus and sloppy attention to the facts are no deterrent to journalistic prominence.
Syndicated columnist Robert D. Novak alleges that a U.S.-led war against Iraq — if it comes — will be largely on behalf of Israel. He calls it “Sharon's war.” The Washington Post headlined his Dec. 26 Op-Ed “Sharon’s War?” It's Novak's latest effort in a long campaign slandering Israel as a Middle East obstructionist exerting a sinister influence on U.S. policy.