National Public Radio – All Bias, All the Time

National Public Radio reporters may not be fair or balanced when it comes to covering the Middle East, they may not be paragons of accuracy, or exemplars of journalistic ethics, but say this much for them – they are consistent.

Viewers’ Guide to the History Channel’s “Cover Up: Attack on the USS Liberty”

A History Channel program charges that the US and Israel have covered up the facts behind the attack by Israeli jets and torpedo boats on a US intelligence-gathering ship during the 1967 Six Day War. Since the attack certain crewmen of the Liberty have charged that Israel deliberately and knowingly attacked the US ship, and have advanced increasingly complicated and even bizarre theories to explain Israel's alleged motivation for such an act.

Ha’aretz Fuels Anti-Israel Bias

In a familiar syndrome, many otherwise impartial American journalists newly posted in Israel slip quickly in their reporting into unmistakably hostile views of the country. Why? One factor is their sources in the Israeli media.

Peace Process Unraveled?

Tracy Wilkinson reports in a July 20 news story that the 1995 assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin by a Jewish extremist "may have set in motion the ultimate unraveling of the Israeli-Palestinian peace process" ("Clemency Decree in Rabin Case Divides Israelis").

CAMERA Op-Ed in Wall Street Journal: “The Real Story on Israel”

Why has the Middle East peace process degenerated into undeclared warfare, with Palestinian suicide bombers targeting Israelis, and Israel apparently contemplating unprecedented retaliation? You wouldn't be aware of the facts if you wouldn't be aware of them if you got your information from much of the Western media.