Truth Demolition in an Anti-Israel Road Show

A poisonous anti-Israel road show is making its way across America for a second year, this winter landing in eighteen cities. Jeff Halper, coordinator of the Israeli Committee Against House Demolitions, and Salim Shawamreh, a Palestinian whose house has been torn down by Israel because of zoning violations, have brought accusations of Israeli apartheid, Nazism and racism to universities, churches, community groups and even the occasional synagogue and Hillel. Newspapers and radio talk-shows too have been enlisted to reach the public...

After PBS Correction, Question Remains

After the January 1993 broadcast of Journey to the Occupied Lands PBS agreed that CAMERA's charges of material errors, distortions, and omissions would be extremely serious...if they were true.

PBS and Israel: A Pattern of Bias

Taxpayer-funded bias at PBS reached a low point with the broadcast in 1993 of Michael Ambrosino's Jouney to the Occupied Lands.

Read part one of CAMERA's exposé which ultimately led the network to withdraw the documentary for corrections.