State Journal-Register Corrects About West Bank Pre-1967

CAMERA yesterday prompted correction of an article appearing in the State Journal-Register (Springfield, Ill.), which inaccurately reported that “Israel claimed the West Bank from the Palestinians in the 1967 Middle East War.” In fact, prior to the Six Day War in 1967, the West Bank was under Jordanian control.

The Dec. 12 article (“Illinois investment boards says Airbnb West Bank action is illegal“) had originated with the Associated Press. The wire agency apparently caught the error almost immediately, and the corrected version, which appeared in numerous news sits, accurately reported: “Israel claimed the West Bank from Jordan in the 1967 Middle East War.

For whatever technical reason, the corrected AP story did not make it to the site of the Springfield paper. In response to communication from CAMERA, editors commendably amended the article, which now correctly reports that “Israel claimed the West Bank from Jordan,” not the Palestinians. In addition, editors posted the correction to the top of the story, alerting readers to the change: “This story was updated to correct the circumstances of Israel claiming the West Bank.”

See also “National Geographic Corrects on History of Disputed Territories,” Nov. 28, 2018

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